Wednesday, May 4, 2016

New Call Times & Rehearsal Notes for Dress Rehearsal: May 4th

Your call time has changed.  It is now 5:30 pm for a 7:30 performance on May 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 14th.  Your call time on Sunday, May 8th is 12:30 for a 2:30 performance.

As you head into performance, please be sure to do a vocal and 
physical warm-up prior to the show.  Stay healthy, take care of yourselves and get as much rest as you can!

Act I
CAST:  Actors backstage, please yell "Yeah" when you hear No Vacancy introduced.

PATTY:  Be sure to wear your skirt for every scene except the one where you go running.

DEWEY:  Great finish to Mt. Rock.

TOMIKA/MR. WILLIAMS/MR. SPENCER:  Come in faster for your scene coming into the school.

STUDENTS/TEACHERS/ROSALIE:  Here at Horace Green, we march in lockstep--Make sure those movements are clean, sharp, crisp.Very military-like.

ZACH:  Learn the moves for "Nothing can shape these ivied walls."  You looked very unsure of yourself.

SHEINKOMPF:  "Get back" When you're walking to the SR vom, Remember you are entering a lion's cage.  You should be slightly afraid.

STUDENTS/DEWEY:  First classroom scene was great.  Good listening & reacting.

NED/DEWEY  Great energy for Children of Rock.  You two were really doing a great job playing off each other.

SOUND:  Queen of the Night must start immediately as lights come up on Dewey.

DEWEY:  Don't mime the door going into the music room...just exit.

STUDENTS:  In the music room (on the catwalk) I can't see Lawrence from the left side of the house.  Everyone needs to move over slightly to their left on the catwalk.

ROSALIE:  Make your dancing/singing even bigger after Summer exits and before you get caught by Sheinkopf.

PROPS/DEWEY:  Bring sheet music into the classroom for You're in the Band.  Dewey, you can have it folded in your pocket.  Preset at start of show.

BILLY:  "What about the rest of us?"  Come in faster with that line.

STUDENTS/DEWEY:  Great energy for You're In the Band.  You look like you're having fun!!!

STUDENTS:  Repeat note from last night:  Ease up on your activity during the Lawrence/Dewey scene.  Keep your actions smaller--you're all stealing focus from the scene that is happening on the floor between Lawrence & Dewey.

DEWEY:  Go, study, learn.  When you say that line, proclaim it as if you're preaching from the mountain top.  Really take authority here.

DEWEY:  Enter the Faculty Lounge AFTER the Faculty Quadrille.

SHEINKOPF:  More inflection when you ask the question, "Isn't that a song?"  Really ask the question.  Let your voice go up and not be so flat.

KATIE/JAMES:  Don't run over to Zack when he is doing his guitar solo.  Stay SL.  Only run over to SR on Lawrence's solo.

STUDENTS:  Do not sit profile on the boxes.  Angle yourselves out toward the audience.  You should always be at  a 45 degree angle from the wall both on SL and SR.  If the boxes are angled, you should sit on that angle too--not in profile.  This is really important as it effects sight lines from the audience.

STUDENTS:  Sustain the energy you had during Act I.  Time to Play was very low energy.

ZACK:  Learn the dance for Time to Play.

STUDENTS:  Run Time to Play before the show tomorrow, or at least check in with each other about it.  It seemed very tentative and sloppy.

DEWEY:  Don't forget to take a drink and have water in your mouth to do an effective spit take.

DEWEY:  Classroom scene w/Tomika dragged a bit tonight.  You need to tighten that sequence up.

TECH:  Please be sure the jukebox is spiked.  It needs to be further SL; closer to center.

ROSALIE:  "Nothing else matters" worked because you start getting into the music and you're getting tipsy and it doesn't matter if it's not with the recording.  It worked really well tonight.

SHEINKOPF:  If Rosalie is late in the hallway scene, arrange the cookies on the platter as if you're setting up for Parent's Night.

STUDENTS:  Whoever brings the chairs for the parents on SL, they were completely off.  They need to be on the angle.  Do not put them profile--angle them along the angle of the boxes.  If the scene starts and you notice they are in the wrong place, fix it.  It's really bad for sightlines if this happens.

CAST:  This show is (obviously) very technical.  So if weird things happen sound-wise, light-wise, etc., don't let it throw you. Don't telegraph to the audience that something is wrong.  Keep going! This is what happens in live-theatre.  It won't be perfect every night.  Or any night.  

DEWEY:  The monologue before Dewey's Confession must have a desperation to it.  It's got to come faster.  Don't lose your energy on this monologue.  You need to show how you feel about each of the kids you talk about.

CAST:  Small mistakes will occur, but please stay focused and listen.  There were more mistakes in Act II tonight, than in Act I, so you need to pace yourselves. Sustain the energy all the way through the entire show!

CAST:  For the final scene at the Battle of the Bands, spread out.  You're only taking up space on 2 sides of the stage almost in lines.  You can fill in more, or clump instead of lining up.

Keep up the great work and don't back down until the run of the show is over.  Every performance needs to be full of fun and energy.  Every audience deserves to see it as if you were doing it for the first time.  You guys got this!

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